
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

An ersatz update

I have realized I'm not updating this thing nearly enough to retain readership.  I do get a fair amount of shit about how infrequently I post, though, which says that at least someone is reading this thing.  Hi there, reader!

In short, I'm lazy or at the very least, sufficiently convinced of my own triviality to be reluctant to share it. 

This is a decent start for this evening's blog post, since I'm realizing that I've been engaged in the business of one long protracted pout since this dead butt business came to pass, which, upon further introspection, could also be bucketed under "lazy" and probably "trivial" to boot.

Regardless of how I choose to term it--lazy, unmotivated, dejected, or whatever--because I cannot deadlift, squat, or do anything high impact to the knees (read as: run, jump, burpee, or even things like push jerks, on the wrong day), I have been taking a pass on too many WODs recently.  The result: I'm letting a lot of metabolic conditioning opportunities slip through my fingers, not to mention, skill-building time.

As I posted on another friend's blog, just because I can't squat doesn't mean I can't still be focused against the shit at which I am sub-standard--and it's not like that list is short.  No, I can't focus on double unders or getting a 300+ deadlift, but I can still focus on doing rowing conditioning work to try to get my lungs back.  I can still focus on getting my upper body organized--it's not like I can yet do muscle ups, HSPU--hell--even pushups have completely fallen apart in my hiatus.  My knees don't care if I do ring dips, or MU transitions, or pullups, or pushups, or stinkbugs...etc, etc, etc.  This is a golden opportunity if I do it correctly.

So yeah, time to get off the pity party wagon about not being able to go heavy with the deads and squats, write some programming to attack the weaknesses.  I'm cheered that the weather is getting warmer, as I'm hopeful that I can get back on my skates/blades and do some speed/endurance conditioning that way as well.   Suck it up, buttercup!

In other news, the dead butt thing has been progressing but s-l-o-w-l-y.  Pilates continues to completely humiliate and embarrass me by demonstrating just how ridiculously weak my transverse abdominus and gluteus medius really are.   The other day my teacher set me up to do a particular exercise and I literally could not do even 1 with proper form.  I could not believe it!  The good news is that the various contraptions at the Pilates studio are actually doing a fine job of isolating the trouble spots and helping me get stronger, but I'm still plagued with knee troubles to the point where even just walking takes a good 2-3 minutes to warm up the joints before I can proceed without any noticeable limp.   So, Pilates will now occur twice a week and hopefully the results will come faster.  I do know that my muscles tend to respond quickly to intense work, so hopefully it will apply here as well.

Summary: more pilates, more skillwork, more metcon/TABATA, and a whole lot less pouting is on the agenda for the coming month.

1 comment:

  1. Good job cupcake!!! You could power clean tomorrow and maybe reverse hyper If deads aren't ok?!?
