
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

And they just called "34"

It appears I'm going to be sitting here at the DMV for a while. No matter what time of day I've shown up here in the past two weeks, it's been at least 20 people ahead of me. Since sitting doing nothing is not a specialty, and it's only intermittently amusing to listen to the DMV drones butcher all the foreign names, and it's been a few days since I've blogged, I figured no time like the present.

Of course that means I need something to discuss. There's a few options. First, a brief update on my experiments.

1. Dead butt syndrome seems to be contagious as now at least one other friend has it. I am hateful about the exercises. I can barely get through half the set I'm supposed to do before I lose the ability to isolate the muscle. Also, my friend discoballdad sent me a link to an article that discusses another possible piece of the puzzle. I'm still puzzling through that one. I've done a few WODs since the DBS discovery, and I've scaled them (to what feels like a humiliatingly sad level) to help me work more on lungs than strength, deliberately avoiding WODs that I think will aggravate the issue.

2. Burpees: much to my surprise (and everyone else's), I have not yet needed to perform any burpees. I have come insanely close to burpees at least three times so far since the challenge. My biggest obstacles thus far appear to be over-scheduling myself, time flux, and teaming up with other people who are not burpee-burdened (and who are probably less than appreciative of my rushing them along because of my silly little experiment). By time flux, I mean how I can sit down at the computer and suddenly it's 3am. I am not sure how to fix that. Maybe set an alarm for time wasting?

3. I did make one completely unnecessary purchase this past week. Just about one year ago today, I played my first game of "Castle" on a visit to some friends in the UK. It's a heavily strategic board game and I loved it. It's impossible to find in the US for some reason...or so I thought until I wandered right past it in Barnes & Noble the other day. I paused three times saying "no" before i said, "fucking buy it". I bought it. Otherwise I've been pretty fiscally responsible this week.

Finally, yesterday's event is big in my thoughts. Our box participated in the MLK Day of Service yesterday. My friend Stephanie is a genius, and came up with a great event. She dreamed up the idea to connect with a military crew, Kandahar CrossFit, and have our Steve's Club affiliate do a tandem WOD with them yesterday in real time and with a live Skype feed going, and then put together a care package. In the package? Among cards and letters, written by our Steve's Club kids, there is a whole lot of chalk. Steph found out that it's super hard to get that over there and they go through it like crazy. Words cannot express how impressed I am with Stephanie's creativity in coming up with this event. It was really amazing and my hat goes off to her and to everyone who made yesterday special.

Just got my new license...signing off for now.

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