
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

toilet paper and perky people: a theme made in heaven.

Cleverly skipping over the whole "what conversation did Donkey have last night" discussion, because seriously, I'm doing it for your own good, let's chat for a moment about ordinary things that people do wrong.

Toilet paper only has one way to hang.  The new piece should come from over the top of the roll.  There is absolutely no sense in having it the other way, and if you have it that way in your house, it's wrong, and I will probably fix it while I'm there, if I find occasion to visit your loo.

Moving on.

Boyfriend posits that I have an issue with perky people.  Any time I remark to him that I don't care for a certain person, it's with almost 90% surety that the person in question is undeniably perky.

What is wrong with me, that I reject the perky?  There are certainly worse things to be.  I thought about trying to prove him wrong, by going onto my Facecrack page and surveying my friends to see if I have any who could be so considered, and you know what?   Off the top of my head, I cannot think of a single one I'd readily call "perky".     On that basis, I conceded his point.

Why are these two things blogged together?  Because I couldn't decide which was more important for you to know, so I decided not to decide.


  1. The toilet paper duh, and I agree over the top is the way to roll. Glad I'm not considered perky too since I'm on facecrack I guess I'm safe

  2. LMAO girl! And I agree about the TP. I grew up in a house where the TP was hung wrong for my entire life and I couldn't wait to have my own place where the TP could be hung the RIGHT way!!! And I agree with you, perky all the time is down right annoying and in my head, often becomes more whiny than perky. Double fail in my book. I am glad we agree on these points and I am sure will bond us even closer as friends! LOL

  3. Of course the TP has to hang over the top, so you can fold the end into a little triangle point.

  4. Annoyingly perky:

  5. I hate to tell you but I have been called "perky" in the past -- although I prefer the adjective "ebullient." Does that mean we're not friends anymore?

    1. Jen and Handler: neither of you are perky. THIS is perky:

      I fucking hate this woman.

  6. There is actually one case where it's acceptable (but just barely) to hang the TP wrong, and that's when the cat would otherwise hang it in a shredded heap on the floor. The rest of the misguided hanger-unders have no excuse.

  7. When my parents visit, there seems to be a secret battle waged with the toilet paper roll. Apparently, Lorraine is WRONG and does not agree with our CORRECT hanging technique, so I reverse the roll everytime i use the guest bathroom. I don't understand why anyone would hang it another way???

    I can think of one appropriate use for "perky" and that's in reference to breasts. My breasts were once perky! Even if I'm in a good mood, a perky person will ruin it, though I can't understand why.

    1. Perky. it's the devil...unless we're talking about boobs, I agree.

      You always did this correctly...yet another reason to love you.
